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Where Hearts and Minds Grow Strong

Welcome to Tysons Corner Children’s Center!

When it comes to your children, nothing less than the highest standards will do. Our non-profit child care centers offer programs for infants through Jr. Kindergarteners and provide a safe, loving environment where children can learn and thrive through a hands-on, minds-on experience.

Spring Hill - Spaces Available Now

Spaces are currently available. Please call 703-761-1161 for space availability at the Spring Hill Center.

McLean - Spaces Available Now

Spaces are currently available. Please call 703-761-1123 for space availability at the McLean Center.

Northern Virginia Magazine’s Top Daycare/Preschool 2024

Tysons Corner Children’s Center

Any available spaces at TCCC are on a first come, first served basis. If you are interested in finding out more about our Centers, the available spaces or would like to set up a tour or enroll your child, please contact either of the Centers below.


8260 Greensboro Dr, Suite 155
McLean, VA 22102

Phone: 703-917-9290
Fax: 703-917-0890

McLean Center

8260 Greensboro Drive, Suite 135
McLean, VA 22102

Phone: 703-761-1123

Spring Hill Center

1600 Spring Hill Road, Suite 160
Vienna, VA 22182

Phone: 703-761-1161

Hours of Operation

Monday: 7:15 AM – 6:15 PM
Tuesday: 7:15 AM – 6:15 PM
Wednesday: 7:15 AM – 6:15 PM
Thursday: 7:15 AM – 6:15 PM
Friday: 7:15 AM – 6:15 PM

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